Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Tooptoop's Minecraft Adventures

Blog 2

In my last blog I told you about all the basic things I did to start a new world. This time I'm going to tell you about some of the newer things I've discovered in Minecraft.

One cool thong I found out was how to use sheers. When you cut down a tree you can break the leaves too, but you can't collect them. That's where the sheers come in handy. You can break the leaves with the sheers and collect the leaves. You can use them as bushes or decorations. I've also discovered that if you hold down on the sheep with the sheers, they will give you wool, sometimes even two. You ca use the wool to make a bed.

If you have looked around in the crafting table you may have noticed the block of snow. To get this you need 4 snowballs. If there is a snow biome nearby you may have tried to break the snow with something, but it gave you no snowballs. This is because you need a shovel to get the snowballs. Then you can make a snow block. You can also throw the snowballs at someone or something by holding down on the part of the screen you want to hit.

You may notice some eags lying around near a chicken. You can pick it up and throw it just like a snowball, but unlike a snowball if you throw it, it breaks and a baby chicken could come out. This way you can start a farm and collect the eggs for making cakes and pumpkin pie. I've never actually found any pumpkins or made pumpkin pie before but its on my list of things to do.

Another cool thing I discovered was from YouTube. It's called a cobble generator. You need a bucket, lava and water. You need to dig out an area 5 across and one down in the middle. Pour your lava on one side and your water on the other, it will start to make cobble. If you destroy the cobble it will make another piece in a different place. This is normal, so dont think you did anything wrong. You can also make one like the picture above.

Decorating your house is fun. You can make bookcases, art and even furniture. It's a bit hard to make book cases because you need lots of resources. First you have to make 3 paper, then use that to make a book. You need three books. You also need 6 oak planks. Now you can go to the crafting table and use these resources to make a bookcase. To make art you will need 8 sticks and one wool. You can then place it on a wall. To make furniture like couches and chairs you will need stairs, and two signs. Place the stairs were you want the couch to Sit. On the sides of the stairs place the signs. The stairs are the cushions and the signs are the armrests.

Over the last few months I have been learning a lot by watching these videos by dumb and dumber... http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=f5XVapfGbyw this is my favorate series by them. You may not like them but they do give good information about Minecraft. I hope you enjoy playing Minecraft, keep reading my blog for more tips.

Monday, March 10, 2014

Tooptoop's Minecraft Adventures

Blog 2

In my last blog I told you about all the basic things I did to start a new world. This time I'm going to tell you about some of the newer things I've discovered in Minecraft.

One cool thong I found out was how to use sheers. When you cut down a tree you can break the leaves too, but you can't collect them. That's where the sheers come in handy. You can break the leaves with the sheers and collect the leaves. You can use them as bushes or decorations. I've also discovered that if you hold down on the sheep with the sheers, they will give you wool, sometimes even two. You ca use the wool to make a bed.

If you have looked around in the crafting table you may have noticed the block of snow. To get this you need 4 snowballs. If there is a snow biome nearby you may have tried to break the snow with something, but it gave you no snowballs. This is because you need a shovel to get the snowballs. Then you can make a snow block. You can also throw the snowballs at someone or something by holding down on the part of the screen you want to hit.

You may notice some eags lying around near a chicken. You can pick it up and throw it just like a snowball, but unlike a snowball if you throw it, it breaks and a baby chicken could come out. This way you can start a farm and collect the eggs for making cakes and pumpkin pie. I've never actually found any pumpkins or made pumpkin pie before but its on my list of things to do.

Another cool thing I discovered was from YouTube. It's called a cobble generator. You need a bucket, lava and water. You need to dig out an area 5 across and one down in the middle. Pour your lava on one side and your water on the other, it will start to make cobble. If you destroy the cobble it will make another piece in a different place. This is normal, so dont think you did anything wrong. You can also make one like the picture above.

Decorating your house is fun. You can make bookcases, art and even furniture. It's a bit hard to make book cases because you need lots of resources. First you have to make 3 paper, then use that to make a book. You need three books. You also need 6 oak planks. Now you can go to the crafting table and use these resources to make a bookcase. To make art you will need 8 sticks and one wool. You can then place it on a wall. To make furniture like couches and chairs you will need stairs, and two signs. Place the stairs were you want the couch to Sit. On the sides of the stairs place the signs. The stairs are the cushions and the signs are the armrests.

Over the last few months I have been learning a lot by watching these videos by dumb and dumber... http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=f5XVapfGbyw this is my favorate series by them. You may not like them but they do give good information about Minecraft. I hope you enjoy playing Minecraft, keep reading my blog for more tips.

Monday, February 17, 2014

Tooptoop's Minecraft Adventures

A few days ago I started to play Minecraft Pocket Edition. Minecraft can be an addicting game, therefore I've made a commitment to only play for one hour a day, so that I don't overplay and become addicted. 

(Here you can make your world)

For those of you who don't know what Minecraft Pocket Edition is about, it's a game that is never ending. You create worlds and interact with them, building things, hunting, eating, sleeping, anf making plans for the future. To start, you have to type in a name to create a seed, which generates a world. The name of this world you created is the name that you typed. At the bottom right side of the screen there are two buttons you can press; either creative or survival. Creative mode is a lot easier, while survival mode has the added challenge of needing to avoid attacks by spiders and zombie type creatures. In either mode, friends can visit your world and you can interact by typing messages to each other and by working together to hunt and build things.

Getting around is different in the two modes. In creative mode you can fly by double tapping the jump button in the centre of the digital joystick (bottom left) or walk around by using the buttons surounding the centre jump button. In creative mode it's a lot easier to create structures because you can fly. If you chose the Survival button, things are a lot harder. When it becomes night time, monsters, consisting of zombies, spiders and skeletons, can come out. To allow monsters to be created, which is called spawning, go to settings on the pause button in the top right side of the screen. From there, choose options, then turn difficulty to the top. If you've done all this already make sure you find a safe place and make a house to hide in when it gets dark, so that the monsters can't get you.

(This is the options setting for spawning monsters)

(This is the Crafting Table, here you can make items)

So, I guess you need to know how to make a house. In both modes, at the bottom of your screen, there are seven boxes that show what resources you've just collected. On the farthest right is a box with white dots. If you tap on that, a screen will come up and you can see all the resources you have. You collect resources in a number of ways. For example, if you see an adult sheep, tap it with your finger, repeatedly. It will turn red and try to get away. After many taps it will disappear and a white cube will appear in it's place. Walk forward, over the cube, and it will appear in one of the boxes on the bottom of your screen. This is the resource wool, and you can use it to make a bed. To get lumber, put your finger on a tree trunk. A white circle will appear and slowly fill in. When it is totally white, the tree trunk will turn into a small brown cube that you can collect and it will appear in your resources inventory. When you have enough, you can use them to build a house. Similarly, you can go to the mountain and cut out cubes of rock to make a house in a cave.

You need to know, specifically, how to make a house or a chest or other items. When you have a safe place to hide through the night, wait until morning, then leave your house and cut down trees or hunt. When you have some resources, go back to your house near evening and tap the three white dots. Scroll down until you find Oak Planks. Tap the box at the top right that shows a block of tree trunks you cut down earlier, until you don't have any more. Then tap the Crafting Table and tap the top right box I mentioned earlier. In your inventory you will find the crafting table. Tap it and place it inside your house. Tap the crafting table and choices will appear. Touch the stick and make at least six of those. At the side there is a picture of a sword and a pickaxe. Tap on them to make two swords made of wood and two pickaxes. With the pickaxes you can go mining. These are some simple things I did when I got started. 

(Steve, Sue and I playing together, you can change your view as well)

I like survival mode because you can play multiplayer. This picture shows me, in the brown t-shirt, with two players, Sue and Steve, who came to my world. Steve had an idea to make our house inside the mountain, so we made lots of pickaxes and cleared a space. The name of our world is Katie's World because Steve's real name is Katie and we chose her world to meet and play in. I went to hunt sheep, pigs and cows for their resources and food. So far I think we've created a pretty good world. I hope in the future we can all get bows and arrows, and armor like mine. But that will just have to wait for tomorrow's one hour.